Terrence B. Grywinski, LMT #MA6049


Terrence B. Grywinski,

B.A., B.Ed., LMT MA6049

Terry has years of experience working with auto injury patients as most auto injuries are in the soft tissue, muscle, and fascia (connective tissue).

CranioSacral Therapy helps to restore the proper functioning of that tissue, alleviating pain, restoring muscular strength, and increasing flexibility and mobility.

Post-session results also include restoring the patient to an energy level they had before the accident.

Craniosacral Therapy CranioSacral Therapy helps to restore the proper functioning of tissue

Letter from a Client

“Due to an auto accident, I experienced pain and stiffness in my neck and shoulder. Although I did bodywork and physical therapy, a year and a half later I found that my freedom of movement was still limited. I was in tremendous pain and was unable to continue my yoga practice business. After my first CranioSacral session with Terry, I felt tremendous relief from the pain I had been experiencing. Terry listened deeply to my whole body, guiding him to free energy flows in all the blocked areas. His healing hands seemed to melt away constrictions and I immediately felt more circulation and energy flow to the affected areas. The session seemed to “boost” how I felt overall, in addition to helping my main complaint. I appreciate his genuine support and interest in my well-being. After a few sessions with Terry, I was amazed at how much better I was feeling. I knew I was in the right hands and finally felt hopeful that I would be able to be pain free and restore my yoga practice.”